Tag Archives: health

Nurturing the Nurturer: Celebrating Mother’s Day with Health and Wellness

Mother’s Day is an ideal occasion to express gratitude and celebrate the incredible women who have devoted their lives to caring for others. This year, why not prioritize your mom’s health and well-being by embracing a health and wellness-focused celebration? By encouraging self-care, promoting fitness, and nurturing her mental well-being, you can create a Mother’s Day that truly honors and rejuvenates her. Here are some ideas to inspire a health and wellness-centered celebration.

Photo by Jared Rice on Unsplash
  1. Mindful Morning Ritual:

Begin the day by encouraging your mom to indulge in a mindful morning ritual. Set up a cozy space where she can practice meditation, deep breathing exercises, or gentle stretching. Create a calming ambiance with scented candles, soft music, and comfortable cushions. This serene start to the day will help her cultivate inner peace and set a positive tone for the celebrations ahead.

  1. Wellness Gift Basket:

Curate a wellness-themed gift basket filled with items that promote self-care and relaxation. Include items such as essential oils, natural skincare products, herbal teas, a journal for gratitude or mindfulness, and a soothing eye mask. This thoughtful gift will encourage your mom to prioritize her well-being and enjoy moments of tranquility and rejuvenation.

  1. Healthy Brunch or Picnic:

Prepare a nutritious and delicious brunch or organize a healthy picnic for your mom and the entire family. Focus on incorporating fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins into the menu. You can also explore recipes that cater to any dietary preferences or restrictions she may have. Sharing a wholesome meal together will nourish her body and create a joyful atmosphere.

  1. Nature Walk or Outdoor Activity:

Spend quality time with your mom by taking her on a nature walk or engaging in an outdoor activity she enjoys. Whether it’s a hike, a bike ride, or simply strolling through a nearby park, being in nature and engaging in physical activity will uplift her spirits, boost her energy levels, and provide an opportunity for bonding and meaningful conversations.

  1. Spa Day or Wellness Retreat:

Treat your mom to a spa day or plan a mini wellness retreat at home. Create a relaxing spa-like atmosphere by dimming the lights, playing soothing music, and offering treatments such as a DIY facial, a foot soak, or a gentle massage. You can also organize virtual wellness workshops or classes, such as yoga, meditation, or guided relaxation exercises, to provide a holistic and rejuvenating experience.

  1. Expressive Art Therapy:

Encourage your mom to explore her creativity and emotions through expressive art therapy. Set up an art station with various art supplies, including paints, brushes, and canvases. Engaging in art activities like painting, drawing, or crafting can serve as a therapeutic outlet, allowing her to express herself, reduce stress, and find inner joy and fulfillment.


On Mother’s Day, prioritizing your mom’s health and well-being is a wonderful way to honor her nurturing spirit and show your love and appreciation. By incorporating mindful practices, wellness-themed gifts, healthy meals, outdoor activities, spa experiences, and expressive art therapy, you can create a celebration that promotes self-care, rejuvenation, and connection. Let this Mother’s Day be a reminder that taking care of oneself is an essential part of being a loving and nurturing mother.

The health buff

My husband gave up smoking more than 10 years ago. He chose to live a healthy lifestyle than be burdened with sickness caused by smoking. What did my husband do to ride out cigarette and cigar cravings? He turns to sports. He is thankful that he has supportive friends who play the type of sport that he plays. Hubby and his friends would go out every weekend to play golf or lawn tennis. Hubby is also into biking. Apart from personal health, he quit smoking because he was concerned about our first child and our then unborn baby to suffer from second hand smoke. We would not want to raise sickly babies due to our own doing.

Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever

Aedes aegypti or tiger mosquito – low-flying, day-biting, lurks in dark places of the house, lays eggs on clean and stagnant water


The D.E.N.G.U.E. Strategy

D – daily monitoring of patient’s status
E – encourage intake of oral fluids like oresol, water, juices, etc,
N – note any dengue warning signs like persistent vomiting and bleeding,
G – give paracetamol for fever and NOT aspirin, because aspirin induces bleeding,
U – use mosquito nets and
E – early consultation is advised for any warning signs

From DOH website:

DENGUE HEMORRHAGIC FEVER is an acute infectious disease manifested initially with fever.


Aedes aegypti, the transmitter of the disease, is a day-biting mosquito which lays eggs in clear and stagnant water found in flower vases, cans, rain barrels, old rubber tires, etc. The adult mosquitoes rest in dark places of the house.

Signs and Symptoms

  1. Sudden onset of high fever which may last 2 to 7 days.
  2. Joint & muscle pain and pain behind the eyes.
  3. Weakness
  4. Skin rashes – maculopapular rash or red tiny spots on the skin called petechiae
  5. Nosebleeding when fever starts to subside
  6. Abdominal pain
  7. Vomiting of coffee-colored matter
  8. Dark-colored stools

Prevention and Control

  1. Cover water drums and water pails at all times to prevent mosquitoes from breeding.
  2. Replace water in flower vases once a week.
  3. Clean all water containers once a week. Scrub the sides well to remove eggs of mosquitoes sticking to the sides.
  4. Clean gutters of leaves and debris so that rain water will not collect as breeding places of mosquitoes.
  5. Old tires used as roof support should be punctured or cut to avoid accumulation of water.
  6. Collect and dispose all unusable tin cans, jars, bottles and other items that can collect and hold water.


A vaccine said to prevent or cure the four strains of dengue is currently being tested in pilot areas in Laguna and Cebu. The vaccine will be available in 2014.