The Unseen Problems Caused By Mice

For many homeowners the first indication there is an issue with mice is when you see one run across the kitchen floor. It’s usually a bit of a shock but relatively harmless. However, if you’ve seen one mouse then you can bet there are plenty more, and they’re making your house their home.

That’s not a good thing. Mice carry an array of diseases, but, they can also cause significant issues to your home, most of which won’t be visible. Although the damage may not be visible, it is likely to be costly to repair. That’s why you need to get the pest control experts in as soon as possible. They’ll be able to set traps to catch and kill the invaders.

Image by andreas N from Pixabay

Of course, a good pest control service will also locate the nest and ensure all the mice have been killed or removed. In addition, they’ll help you to locate the mice entry points and seal them up.

That will leave you to assess the damage caused by your furry invaders.

Wood Holes

Mice have great teeth and are happy to chew through wood in order to access food. You may think your food is safe in the cupboard but, if the mice can smell it, they’ll chew through the wood to get to it.

This can mean damage to your flooring or furnishings, in extreme cases, they can even damage timbers that are essential to the structural integrity of your home.


Mice tend to urinate and drop waste as they run around your floors and surfaces, contact with their waste can be just as harmful as being bitten by them or preparing food on a surface they’ve walked on.

But, the bigger issue is that mice tend to urinate in dark corners. If you have several mice urinating in the same place it’s going to start smelling. You’re also going to be looking at damp damage, potentially rotting your floor, which will be a costly repair.


Once mice have found a house that has food, water, and warmth, they’ll be eager to create their nest. To do this they use a variety of different materials, and it’s not always soft cushioning. In fact, mice generally find the sheathing n your electrical wires to be useful when creating a nest. Of course, chewing through this sheathing leaves your wires exposed and dramatically increases the risk of shorts in your electrical circuits. It can even be the cause of a fire.

You’ll need your electrical inspected regularly by a qualified electrician and have an extra check after a mouse issue. If you’re lucky you can replace sections of your electricity instead of having to re-wire your entire house.


When the mice are moving around inside your walls they are creating tunnels, allowing them safe passage around your home. While doing this they will damage your insulation and even the wooden studs in your walls. This can lead to an increase in energy bills and even a need to replace the internal walls.

That’s why you need to take action quickly if you even think you have a mouse issue.

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