Tag Archives: weight problem

Top 3 Tips for Healthy Weight Loss

If you’ve been hoping to drop a few pounds lately, you may have considered weight loss programs Sarasota or wondered how to get started. Getting your weight to a healthy place for your body can have a whole host of benefits, from easier mobility to better circulation and blood pressure, so the effort can be well worth it in the long run. While weight loss might seem daunting or even challenging, it doesn’t have to be! Take a look at these three tips that can help you start out on your weight loss journey today.

1. Eat Balanced Meals

While it might seem counterintuitive to have eating as a weight loss tip, making sure your meals are healthy and balanced is actually essential to your long-term goals. Crash dieting can often backfire, resulting in yo-yo weight gain and loss. Instead, focus on building healthy lifestyle habits, like balancing protein, veggies and healthy fats at every meal. Don’t overeat, but make sure you’re eating three good meals a day. When you’re not constantly distracted by hunger, you’ll also have more energy to focus on exercise!

2. Start an Exercise Routine

If you aren’t already exercising, start getting into the habit of moving your body regularly. You don’t have to train for the Olympics, but even just working out a half hour a day can help boost your metabolism and build strength.

3. Drink Water, Coffee and Tea

You probably already know that drinking water is essential to staying hydrated and helping you feel full. However, it might come as a pleasant surprise that drinking coffee and tea can help you lose weight, too! This is because caffeine can help boost your metabolism.

While losing weight can come with a whole host of benefits that make the effort more than worth it, getting started can seem difficult or sometimes even impossible. Luckily, there are a few simple ways to easily kick-start your journey. Try these tips today and you’ll be well on your way to your healthiest self yet!

Penguin walk

Its crazy but I feel like a penguin whenever I walk (now you’re starting to imagine how penguins walk LOL). The culprit –  sedentary lifestyle or lack of physical activity. I’m sitting most of the time and my legs bear the pressure when I walk.  My family and friends always encourage me to take time to do some stretching for a few minutes everyday if I can’t afford twice or thrice-weekly exercise sessions. I know they mean well and I welcome their suggestion, but I can’t easily shake off this bad habit (lack of activity). I wish I could just buy electric muscle stimulator that I can put on my back, legs or my tummy area without leaving my computer. But will it make a good replacement for exercise? What do you think?