Tag Archives: vacation time

The Health Benefits of Taking a Vacation

It’s doesn’t take a rocket scientist to know that all work and no play makes one dull. And being dull is the last thing anyone would want to be, I reckon. Other than being dull, if all you do is work all day and night, you will sooner or later feel your body paying the price for it. Your immunity will eventually start failing you, and every imaginable form of illness will most likely set in.

What you should do is occasionally take a break and go on a vacation. If you have the money for it, go book yourself and your family in one of those swanky Disney World hotels.

If you’re a little strapped for cash though, don’t let it stop you from getting that much-deserved vacation. Nowadays, there’s what’s called a “stay-cation”. You can simply spend a day or two just lounging around your backyard with a glass of icy lemonade in hand. Immerse yourself in that paperback you’ve been longing to read for the longest time.

When your body takes a breather from the humdrum and stresses of daily life, you feel more rejuvenated, and in effect, are more able to take on the challenges of your work. So, don’t deprive yourself of a break. Take it, before your body screams for mercy.