Tag Archives: camping

Camping 101: 3 Health Benefits of Camping

Those who enjoy camping know all the health benefits they receive from their retreat to the outdoors. It is a relatively inexpensive getaway that also offers visits to scenic locations such as beaches, mountains, parks and resort towns. If you are considering giving camping a try, here are three health benefits you can expect from the experience.

Photo by Chris Holder on Unsplash


Getting away from your normal routine to a campground Navarre gives your body a chance to unwind and do different daily activities for a while, whether relaxing or going on adventures. Time spent with your loved ones during the trip reduces your stress levels and gives your body a chance to relax and recuperate. Any outdoor activity you choose will get your heart rate going and increase your body’s serotonin level that will help you sleep better at night and wake up feeling refreshed in the morning.


Camping gives you dedicated time away with people you love, which is especially important if you have a busy job that keeps you away from home a lot. During the trip, if you have children, they will spend less time on their electronic devices and more time interacting with you while you all enjoy exploring the area, hiking, biking or boating. You will be creating memories and photos that will be cherished in years to come and will perhaps come back with a funny story or two to re-tell in the future.


Going on a camping trip helps your mind unwind from your job’s typical daily demands or those of your home life. Being outside with loads of sunshine and fresh air in a scenic location may lift your spirits. Any physical outdoor activities you do will increase your body’s level of endorphins, which naturally boosts your mood.

So give camping a try if for no other reason than the physical, emotional and mental health benefits you will get from your time in the outdoors.

Camping time

If you are going on a camping trip this summer vacation and would like to buy a bigger tent for your family, check out the selection of lightweight Big Agnes Copper Spur UL1 tent and sleeping bag on the link provided here. Modern tents now are convenient to use and easy to pack unlike the old-fashioned tents. They are easy to set and you can choose from a wide array of designs and weight based on your preference and need.