Tag Archives: volunteerism

4 Great Ways To Find Connection and Community

Whatever season you’re in, it’s essential to seek connection and avoid isolation. Yes, solitude is an important part of a balanced life. But, due to many factors, most people do not get enough life-giving time with others. Interested in some effective ways to establish and maintain connection and community? Here are several ideas. 

Photo by RODNAE Productions from Pexels

1. Spiritual Community

Being part of a spiritual community is a great buffer against isolation and stress. Spiritual communities emphasize important matters, including what it means to be human. The bonds formed in these communities are not superficial. Wondering how to find a supportive spiritual group? Try a search using terms such as online Christian ministry Dacula GA to find helpful guidance. 

2. Volunteering

Community service is one of the best ways to bring the gift of connection to yourself and others. Fortunately, there are numerous ways you can volunteer; you might be interested in working in a soup kitchen, or doing something completely different. Check out VolunteerMatch to find opportunities in your area. 

3. Interest Groups

Do you have a hobby you’re passionate about? Then find a community around your interest! There’s no shortage of groups both IRL and online that cover any hobby or pastime you can think of. Attend different groups to find the best fit for your personality and level of expertise. 

4. Everyday Contacts

Do something different: Refrain from focusing on your phone when you’re out and about. In this digitally-focused culture, many people in public spaces feel more isolated than ever. Pay attention to your surroundings and other people. If it’s appropriate, make eye contact and smile. Share a kind word. You never know how you might brighten someone else’s day by letting them know that you notice and care about them as a fellow human being.  

Finding connection and community requires a willingness to expand your comfort zone. Give these suggestions a try to increase your level of human contact. 

How To Give More of Yourself

At this time of year, the holiday spirit sparks a desire to do more for those in need. The truth is, giving to others is something that’s greatly needed throughout the entire year. If you feel inspired to give back, but don’t know how, here are four ways you can give more of yourself starting today.

Diverse Group of People Pick Up Trash in The Park Volunteer Community Service; Photo credit: kindnesscloud.org

Volunteer Your Time

Many people have felt the call to volunteer at one time or another. If this describes you, act on it! Giving of your time is one of the most selfless things you can do, whether it’s with an organization, or a person that’s lonely and could use some company. Pick a cause that speaks to you and find out how you can help.

Put Kindness Into Action

Kindness is something that can be practiced every day and it sets a good example to “pay it forward”. If you have some of your own ideas for promoting acts of kindness, join others that share your vision and start down a path of making the world a better place.

Run Errands for Someone

If you know someone that isn’t able to get out, offer to run errands. This could mean going to the supermarket, the bank or getting them to medical appointments. Offer to drive and take them to lunch. What seems like something routine to you would mean the world to them.

Smile and Compliment

Sometimes the kindest thing you can do for someone is offer a smile and a compliment. Everyone appreciates being told they look terrific or that they’ve done a great job. Offering encouragement with a smile can change someone’s entire day.

Inspire Others

People have many different reasons for wanting to spread kindness. When you give more of yourself, not only are you helping someone, but it makes you feel good, too. You’ll also inspire others in your circle to do the same.