Tag Archives: male hormonal imbalance treatment

A Guide to Coping with Male Hormonal Imbalance

Image courtesy of imagerymajestic at FreeDigitalPhotos.net

Image courtesy of imagerymajestic at FreeDigitalPhotos.net

Hormonal imbalance can strike either gender at virtually any age, making it important to visit a doctor or seek alternative solutions after discovering the problems. In a society that is particularly brutal to boys and men who develop at different rates or experience unconventional physical changes, it is even more important to receive the proper treatment. From social factors to current or future reproductive issues, coping with hormonal imbalance early is an excellent way to resolve the situation.

Symptoms of Hormonal Imbalance in Boys and Men

While a boy’s childhood can be free of chronic illness, puberty proves to be a difficult time for young men whose bodies are maturing differently than those of their peers. In boys, signs of hormonal imbalance may include the early onset of puberty, pediatric obesity, lack of appetite, bones that grow too slowly, jaundice or hair loss. Guardians of boys who notice one or more of these symptoms should seek treatment from a family physician or an endocrinologist.

Sudden or gradual physical changes in grown men can also indicate an imbalance in the level of hormones in their bodies; while it may be for different reasons than those that explain a boy’s hormonal issues, it is still important to see a doctor. Some symptoms for men may include irritability, sudden or excessive hair loss, night sweats, poor memory, erectile dysfunction, low libido or even high levels of male breast tissue. While many of these issues are difficult to deal with, gynecomastia, or “man boobs” may be the most noticeable physical change from a hormonal imbalance.

Understanding Gynecomastia

Gynecomastia is most often related to an increase in estrogen, and it leaves many men uncomfortable and embarrassed. Such an increase in estrogen typically occurs during andropause, which is the male equivalent of menopause; mens’ bodies produce less testosterone as they grow older, and the outcome can involve too much estrogen. Although many men opt to have male breast reduction surgery, gynecomastia hormone treatment provides a far less invasive option. In fact, hormonal therapy removes the risks associated with both anesthesia and post-surgery blood loss.

Treat Hormonal Imbalances Immediately

Because men and boys often struggle with feelings of anxiety, depression and humiliation when their bodies behave in an unexpected fashion, they often fail to seek treatment. However, once symptoms are present, both men and boys should consult a doctor.