Tag Archives: health advisory

The following checklist can help you recognize the symptoms of heat-related illnesses

1.Heat Rash: Heat rash is a skin irritation caused by excessive sweating during hot, humid weather. It can occur at any age but is most common in young children. Heat rash looks like a red cluster of pimples or small blisters.

2. Heat cramps: A person who has been exercising or participating in other types of strenuous activity in the heat may develop painful muscle spasms in the arms, legs, or abdomen referred to as heat cramps. The body temperature is usually normal, and the skin will feel moist and cool, but sweaty.

3. Heat syncope: Someone who experiences heat syncope (fainting) will experience the sudden onset of dizziness or fainting after exposure to high temperatures, particularly after exercising in the heat. As with heat cramps, the skin is pale and sweaty but remains cool. The pulse may be weakened, and the heart rate is usually rapid. Body temperature is normal.

4.Heat exhaustion: Heat exhaustion is a warning that the body is getting too hot. Those most prone to heat exhaustion include elderly people, people with high blood pressure, and people working or exercising in a hot environment. A person with heat exhaustion may be thirsty, giddy, weak, uncoordinated, nauseous, and sweating profusely. As with heat syncope and heat cramps, the body temperature is usually normal in heat exhaustion. The heart rate (pulse rate) is normal or elevated. The skin is usually cold and clammy.

5.Heat stroke: Heat stroke is a serious, life-threatening condition that occurs when the body loses its ability to control its temperature. Victims of heat stroke almost always die, so immediate medical attention is essential when problems first begin. In heat stroke, a person develops a fever that rapidly rises to dangerous levels within minutes. A person with heat stroke usually has a body temperature above 104 F (40 C), but the temperature may rise even higher. Other symptoms and signs of heat stroke may include confusion, combativeness, bizarre behavior, feeling faint, staggering, strong rapid pulse, dry flushed skin, and lack of sweating. Delirium or coma can also result from heat stroke.

While heat cramps, heat syncope, and heat exhaustion may all be present in mild degrees, you should always contact a doctor or seek emergency medical attention if the symptoms of these conditions are severe or worsen with time.

Thanks to Dra. Ning Elio Villa for sharing this timely information.

From MedicineNet.com
Medical Author:Melissa Conrad Stöppler, MD
Medical Editor: William Shiel Jr., MD, FACP, FACR

Summer is fun and can be disease-free

This summer, millions of Filipinos will again travel far and wide seeking fun and entertainment. Many will explore beautiful sights and experience adventure and exploits, often times unmindful of the dangers that lurk behind. The Department of Health (DOH) reminds everyone that making your summer escapades danger-proof is possible.

The DOH today issued a warning on 6 common summer diseases or conditions (6S) that can adversely affect one’s health. These are Sore eyes, Sunburn, Sipon at ubo, Suka at tae, Sakit sa balat and Sakmal ng aso.

Sore eyes or conjunctivitis, when mistreated, can lead to blindness. More than just eye irritation, it can easily be due to harmful bacteria or viruses that easily spread to other people. Hand washing can limit its spread. Health experts advise not to use eye drops without consulting a doctor.

Sunburn can be prevented if you time your outdoor activities. Outdoor activities must be done in the early morning or late afternoon. Avoid the sun between 10am-2pm. Hide in the shade or seek cool places to prevent ill-effects of too much sun exposure.

Use sunscreen appropriately like choosing a product that retards against both UVA and UVB rays, with at least an SPF30, applying them 30 minutes before actual sun exposure and not sparingly at best, and also reapplying if exposure will be extended and not sparing the ears and nape areas nor the feet.

Avoid heat stroke by drinking 8-12 glasses of water a day. Remember not to stay under the sun too long. Holy week penitents can also benefit from these tips.

“Sipon at ubo” easily spreads even during the summer months as erratic weather bring sudden downpour from time to time. Senior citizens are advised to get vaccinated against influenza before the flu season begins in June.

The DOH is also monitoring suspect cases infected with the new coronavirus. To date, the WHO already reported 16 cases with 9 deaths.

The new corona virus infection is characterized by respiratory symptoms with progressive respiratory difficulty. Remember to wash your hands frequently and to cover your mouth and nose when you sneeze or cough. Better still, stay at home when you are sick. Our airports will continue to screen travelers as a routine precaution to prevent spread of diseases that may spread internationally.

“Suka at tae” follows consumption of contaminated food or drinks. This summer, be cautious of street foods and even with those prepared for out-of-town trips. Remember that food spoils easily during hot summer months. Always have oral rehydration salt solution at hand just in case you get bad diarrhea.

“Sakit sa balat” is another common summer disease in areas where water becomes scarce so that daily bathing is compromised. Inmates in crowded prisons can easily spread infections from boils.

Skin diseases abound when one swims in dirty water or unmaintained public swimming pools. Remember to take a bath before and after plunging into the pool and please do not urinate in the pool. However, the real danger in swimming is drowning. Children should not be left alone in the pool or beach.

“Sakmal ng aso” can lead to rabies if wounds are not washed and cared for. Make sure dogs are vaccinated against rabies. If you sustain dog bites, visit the animal bite center to get rabies vaccination.

Indeed, summer is fun and can be disease-free.

Press Release