Category Archives: Science

Guide to Saving Your Baby’s Stem Cells

Saving a baby’s stem cells often seems strange to some people, but it is actually a wise idea that can provide many benefits. In addition to improving the quality of life Chardon OH-based it also has the potential of saving your child’s life someday.

What Are Stem Cells?

Stem cells are raw, immature materials that grow in the body. These cells have the ability to regenerate and transform into other types of cells. Should your child ever need them due to a sickness or disease later in life, such as a blood disorder or cancer, stem cells can be utilized to help treat the condition. In some cases, it can be used for other family members, as well.

How Do You Save Your Baby’s Cells?

Saving the stem cells is a simple process. You find a stem cell bank that you trust to send you a stem cell collection kit that you’ll give to your doctor. When your baby is born, the doctor can then collect the stem cells, and you’ll arrange to have them sent to the stem cell bank. You’ll pay a fee each year to keep the cells stored and protected.

What Types of Conditions and Diseases Can Stem Cells Be Used For?

So far, there are over 70 known uses for stem cells, which include disorders in bone marrow, spinal cord injuries, immune deficiencies, leukemia, and more. And there is a great deal of research being done to determine the effects on other issues, like cerebral palsy, diabetes, liver conditions, and even aging of the brain. Studies are consistently turning up new ways that saving stem cells can help children and their families for years to come.

While this field is still growing, research has already shown several benefits for saving your baby’s stem cells. If you’re still uncertain about the process, speak with your OB/GYN to learn more.

Fully Vaccinated

Are you one of those who took the available vaccine in your locality? Congratulations! You did a great job in protecting yourself and the people around you. Covid19 vaccine provides an extra layer of protection in the absence of Covid19 medicine.

Taken at a vaccination site inside a mall in Quezon City

Besides the administration of the Covid19 vaccine, people are encouraged to observe the minimum health protocol: such as the washing of hands; wearing of face mask; and social distancing when you are in a public place.

At home, our family practices the minimum health protocol. We wear face masks when we are a little under the weather. We don’t know what afflicts us, so we wear a face mask to be safe. We don’t eat together. And we sleep in separate rooms.

Taken inside a public school in Quezon City

Hubby, myself, and our daughter are fully vaccinated. Our son will have his second dose on the 26th. I’m glad that we were allowed to get the vaccine at the right time. Many still await their vaccine schedule in our area.

Three of us belong to the A3 category, so we must be vaccinated to avoid possible hospitalization due to severe Covid19.

Get the available Covid19 vaccine if you are not vaccinated yet. Protect yourself, the people you care about, and those you meet outside your homes.

Laser Hair Removal Vs. Electrolysis

If you want to get rid of unwanted hair, you’ve probably tried many methods, such as shaving, hair removal products and waxes. While you may have found these methods effective in removing unwanted hair, you might realize that you want something more permanent. Laser hair removal and electrolysis are two ways you can get long-term or permanent hair removal results. However, what’s the difference between these two hair removal treatments new york ny? Laser hair removal uses mild radiation through high-heat lasers. The process of electrolysis works by inserting an epilator device into the skin. But which method is more effective?

Image by Alterio Felines from Pixabay

Electrolysis Is More Permanent

By delivering shortwave radio frequencies to hair follicles, electrolysis can stop new hair from growing. This is because it damages your hair follicles, which prevents growth and causes existing hairs to fall out. Electrolysis is backed by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), unlike laser hair removal. This is because it produces more permanent results. it’s also an extremely versatile method, meaning that it inhibits new hair growth for all skin and hair types. Electrolysis can also be used anywhere on the body, including the eyebrows.

Electrolysis Doesn’t Require Maintenance

You need multiple sessions to achieve results with electrolysis as you would with laser treatments. This is especially true if you’re having the procedure done on a large area like your back or an area with thicker hair growth, like the pubic region. However, once all the hair is gone, you won’t need any more treatments, which means no maintenance is required with electrolysis.

When deciding between electrolysis and laser hair removal, think of the type of results you want to achieve. If you’re okay with getting regular treatment, then laser removal may be the choice for you. IPL hair removal is a great way to get rid of hairs without going to any professionals however, so you should consider that option too. But you might choose electrolysis if you want something more permanent.