Category Archives: healthy food

Pregnancy Nutrition – Foods You Need To Eat (And Avoid)

While pregnancy is the most beautiful experience of a woman’s life, we can all agree that it comes with its own set of challenges. There are a number of pregnancy do’s and don’ts that you need to follow. You need to make several lifestyle changes; beginning with quitting excessive coffee & tea and smoking & alcohol. Most importantly, you need to start eating healthier food, as the food that a mother consumes is the primary source of nutrients for the baby, which helps in its growth and development.

Including the right food in your diet is easier said than done as the options are endless. Thus, one of the best ways to figure out what to eat and avoid during pregnancy is to consult your OB/GYN, or another simple way is to follow the below-mentioned pregnancy nutrition checklist.

This checklist provides you with a list of foods that are essential for a healthier pregnancy as well as a list of foods that you should completely avoid. To give you an overview;

List of Foods to Eat

  • Dark Leafy Vegetables: This includes spinach, broccoli, kale etc. Adding dark leafy veggies to your diet is important as it prevents iron-deficiency anaemia and provides you with essential nutrients such as folate, fibre, vitamin C, K and A.
  • Lean Meat and Fish: Lean meat such as lamb, chicken and beef provides minerals & vitamins that aids in the development of the baby’s muscles, nerve and brain. Fish, salmon and sardines, in particular, provides DHA (omega-3 fatty acids) and high-quality protein, which helps in the development of the baby’s brain as well as eyes.
  • Dairy Products and Eggs: Milk, yoghurt, cheese are calcium-rich foods that should be a part of your diet, while eggs are a wholesome food that provides proteins and amino acids as well as other vitamin & minerals that are important during pregnancy.

List of Foods to Avoid

  • Raw Sprouts and Unwashed Veggies and Fruits: Since raw/unwashed veggies, fruits and sprouts can be contaminated with bacteria, it is important to wash/rinse and cook them thoroughly before consuming.
  • Undercooked Meat and Eggs: Likewise, to prevent severe bacterial infections, it is essential to eat only cooked meat/eggs during pregnancy.
  • Processed Foods and Street Food: These are the other types of foods that you should avoid during pregnancy as they may lead to digestive problems and other birth complications.

Check out the infographic below to know more about pregnancy nutrition.

How To Be More Eco-Friendly

When you think about being more environmentally friendly, it can sometimes feel a little overwhelming. It doesn’t have to be a massive lifestyle change overnight, but there are small, everyday practices that you can easily apply to your life today. There are many ways to help the planet, like composting and contributing to your local community garden, but here are some basic tips to get you started and inspired.

Photo by Zoe Schaeffer on Unsplash

Grow Your Food

While the idea of growing your own food might sound daunting, it’s actually a great place to start implementing more environmentally-friendly practices into your daily life. Just grab a packet of seeds from your local store, some nutrient-rich soil, and you’re halfway there. Read up on some basic gardening and growing tips and amaze yourself with some fresh tomatoes, peppers, herbs, etc. in time.

Reusable Bags & Shopping Locally

Taking a reusable bag to the grocery store will inevitably cut back on so much plastic waste. Think back to the last time you went to the grocery store, how many plastic bags did you carry to your car? When you shop at a local grocery store, you support your neighbors and less emissions.

Solar Panels

By switching to solar panel installation New Jersey, for example, you will not only save big on your electricity bill especially over time, but you are also enabling the conversion of the sun’s solar rays into power for your home, just from your roof.

Re-purpose or Donate Old Clothes

Before you toss your old clothes, consider turning that old t-shirt into a rag, or selling items with life still left in them online. You can always donate clothes to local shelters or organizations for homeless people.

By thinking about all the ways you can be more eco-friendly in your life, it’s important to remember why you’re making the switch to a more eco-conscious lifestyle. The earth will thank you, and in all likelihood, so will you.

Grow organic plants right inside your home

It’s high time you join the organic bandwagon and grow your own plants right inside your home. With a minimal amount of water you can grow healthful veggies, root crops and ornamental plants through hydroponics system or soil-less gardening. The plant depends on little water to survive and requires gravel or sand for the root to grow.

Image by sippakorn yamkasikorn from Pixabay

Imagine that you can grow your own salad, including lettuce, cherry tomatoes and herbs without having to worry about the space; no messy soil to till and garden equipment to plant your seedlings or saplings. Now it’s possible even for those living in condos to put up their own organic garden.

Ways to Stay Healthy During Pregnancy

Having a baby is an exciting time, but pregnancy can take a toll on a woman’s body. You may find yourself experiencing an array of symptoms that you’d never even heard of before. While you may mostly be able to go about your daily routine as usual, here are a few things you want to make sure you’re doing in order to keep yourself on track during this pregnancy. 

Photo by from Pexels

Eat Healthy

Eating healthy may be just about the last thing you want to do right now, but it is still important to make sure your baby is getting the proper nutrition. While it’s fine to indulge in a treat every now and then, you also need to eat plenty of fruits, vegetables and protein. Many women find this difficult when suffering with first trimester nausea, but it typically gets easier around the twelve-week mark. 

Prepare in Advance 

You probably already have a mile long to-do list to get ready for baby, but getting a lot of that done early can allow you time to relax in the weeks before your little one arrives. Find a pregnancy care center Tampa FL that you are comfortable delivering at, sign up for birthing classes, decide who is going to be in the delivery room with you and begin buying all of the essentials that you will need for when your baby comes home with you. 

Exercise Regularly

You may find that you are more exhausted than ever right now, which can make exercising about the last thing you want to do. However, getting just thirty minutes of light cardio in each day may actually help you get some of your energy back. Before you start working out though, talk to your doctor about what type of exercise is best for you at this time. 

Even though you have a million things on your mind right now, try to take time each day to focus on yourself. Remember to enjoy this journey because your little one will be here before you know it!