Category Archives: Law and Law-related Issues

Ways to Help Your Child Through Your Divorce

Going through a divorce is always hard, but it can be particularly challenging when children are involved. The whole family has to navigate their way around a new normal, and it can be a tumultuous time. Although children are resilient, there are still some things you can do to make sure this transition is as smooth as possible for them. 

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

Break the News Together

If you’re going through an uncontested divorce Tampa, you may not want to be around your ex right now, but presenting a united front can go a long way with your children. It can really help to show them that you are both there for them, and even though things are going to be different, you are still a family. Plan out what you are going to say ahead of time, and make sure you and your ex partner are on the same page. 

Keep the Lines of Communication Open

Children often keep to themselves when going through a divorce. They don’t want to upset anyone further and sometimes feel they cannot share their emotions. Talk to them as often as possible. Let them know that this is not their fault. Always be there to listen. If you feel that your children need to talk to someone else, consider getting a therapist to help them through. 

Stay Civil to Each Other

This one can be particularly tricky. You’ve probably found yourself struggling with some seriously complex emotions recently. This is not unusual when it comes to divorce, but it is important to not let the kids see you fighting. This can create a lot of stress in children of all ages. If you need to have a discussion, make sure to so away from your kids in case things get heated. 

Remember that eventually things will get easier. It will take time to figure out a schedule and get into the groove of things. It is important to take care of your kids right now but don’t forget to take some time for yourself as well. 

What To Know Before You Get Your Notary License

Notary publics have a very important role in society and act as impartial officials and witnesses. Generally, they witness people signing official and legal documents to officiate their authenticity. Every state has its own specific requirements for becoming a notary. However, most states allow interested people to go online and fill out a notary application on websites such as Below are some things to know before you decide to get your notary license.

Typical Notary Duties

The main job of a notary is to witness the signing of important documents such as mortgage closing papers, divorce papers and legal affidavits. Notary publics need to be very aware of a person’s state of mind when they are signing a document in order to gauge if they are signing under duress or not understanding what exactly they are signing. You cannot notarize a signature if you believe the person signing did not do so voluntarily.

Job Options

As a notary, you will have many job opportunities open to you. Law offices hire notaries to be part of their firm’s staff because they are needed to regularly witness the signing of legal documents. Insurance offices, title companies and many government offices also have full-time notaries on duty. Some businesses hire notaries to offer notary services to their customers for fees.

Earn Extra Income

Even though you may use your notary license to offer services at your place of employment, you can also offer your services during your free time to earn extra income. Many people need documents notarized in the evenings and on the weekends. Notaries can charge their own set fees for their services.

No matter what is going on with the economy, people will always need notaries. Earning your notary license will offer you stability in the workforce. As you can see, there are many things to take into consideration before you get your notary license. The amount you can charge for your services will depend on the state in which you are licensed. Some states have laws regarding the maximum you can charge for your services.

Reviewing Your Homeowner’s Insurance Policy Can Reveal Hidden Coverages

If you haven’t reviewed your homeowner’s insurance policy since you bought your home, you may have forgotten what coverage it provides. This can hurt you in a number of ways. Most obviously, it may mean that you don’t have the level of coverage you home needs in the current economy. Additionally, it may mean you have coverage to help offset costs that you might otherwise assume are your own responsibility to pay.

Photo by christian koch on Unsplash 

One reason it’s a good idea to read through your policy on a yearly basis is to ensure you still have enough coverage. Just the increases in the cost of living may dictate a need to raise your coverage a little. If you’ve added a new structure to your property or built onto an existing one, that need to update your coverage becomes even more imperative. Failing to amend your policy to cover these additions can cost you if something does happen.

Additionally, you should take the time to familiarize yourself with other coverages your policy does offer. For instance, homeowners insurance Lodi CA typically offers liability coverage. This will be helpful in the event someone is injured on your property. The liability coverage may cover all or some of their medical care expenses and may provide you with money to hire a lawyer in the event of litigation.

Photo by rawpixel on Unsplash  

If something happens to your home and you must vacate the property until it can be repaired, you’ll end up spending money on temporary lodging, meals, and other necessities. Your policy may also offer coverage for these costs. Knowing that temporary living expenses may be covered can help you save money through this difficult experience.

These are just a few ways your homeowner’s insurance policy can help you in a time of need. As you review your policy each year, look at each type of coverage and determine if you should increase the amounts for which you’re covered. This can help you survive an emergency in the event your home is destroyed by a fire or other natural disaster.

Taking Legal Action to Recoup Expenses

When you have been hurt because of a work-related or medical mishap, you may not initially be aware of your legal rights. In fact, you might assume that you simply have to put up with the result of the accident and find a way to rebuild your life and pay your own medical expenses.

Photo by from Pexels

However, the law affords victims of such circumstances legal rights that you can pursue in court. By taking action like filing an insurance claim, making a police report, and filing a hernia mesh lawsuit pittsburgh pa accident victims like you could pursue justice and also recoup expenses like medical bills and lost income.

Hiring a Qualified Attorney

Before you take any action, you may want to retain a qualified and experienced lawyer to represent you. Having a lawyer on retainer can protect you from counteraction taken by the responsible party. You also avoid incriminating yourself or accidentally placing the blame for the mishap on yourself.

Your lawyer can evaluate your case and learn more about the facts leading up to your accident. He or she can then decide what type of legal action to take against the person responsible for your suffering.

Your lawyer can build a case by subpoenaing testimony, video surveillance, medical records, and other evidence that can prove your innocence. Further, your lawyer can act as an intermediary between you and the responsible party so you are not coerced or threatened into dropping the claim.

Before you put a lawyer on retainer, however, you may want to take the time to consult with one in person. You need to know this individual is qualified to take your case and has experience handling situations like yours. You can set up a free consultation with a lawyer by visiting the lawyer’s website today.

When you have been hurt through no fault of your own, you have the right to take legal action in court. You can file the right claims and possibly settle out of court by hiring a lawyer who specializes in medical malpractice and personal injury law.