Category Archives: Healthy living

Feel and look your best in 2014


You don’t have to follow the latest trend on clothes, bags, shoes, or jewelry to look your best this year. Why not invest in your health for a start. You may include weight management and fitness exercises in your resolution or goal to achieve this year. You can design your own set of exercises but be sure you are not suffering from a certain condition or, better yet, consult with your doctor first before you indulge yourself in some form of exercise.

Image credit: Imagerymajestic –

Benefits of Home Relaxation

Our home is what we consider to be the place wherein we can relax and pretty much do anything that we want but if we would not take good care of it, we may reach the point when we do not feel relaxed at home anymore. If you want to improve the current comfort of your home, you would need some of these:

  • Scented candles – You can either light them up when you want to relax or use them while you are taking a bath. It will truly set the mood.
  • Air fresheners – You might not realize its importance yet but going home to a house that smells good can make a lot of difference.
  • Oils and spa materials – Why not have a mini spa session at home, it can take your mind off things.

Do remember that going home to a relaxing house can make a lot of difference because it will energize you to a point that you are ready to tackle the problems that you might encounter the next time that you go to the office or the next time that you undergo a difficult situation.

Image courtesy of anat_tikker at

Home décor with health benefits

Home décor like floor fountains not only serve its aesthetic purpose, it also has natural health benefits. Floor fountains promote calmness and concentration because they somehow block off unnecessary noise inside your home. Floor fountains also help alleviate the tension in the joints and muscles. The calming effect helps those with sleeping problem at night. Floor fountains are also good for the skin and breathing because they help humidify air around the house. It is a refreshing idea to place a wall fountain in the living room or the dining area. Check out the different designs of floor fountains at

The Benefits of Me Time for Moms


There are times when moms feel so stressed because they are doing a lot of things. Moms now are more modern and they still work in order to help their husbands with bills payment. It can also be harder for single moms because they would have to take care of their children on their own. Still, it does not mean that just because you are a mom, you do not deserve to have some Me-time. Studies show that having time for yourself will make you feel less stressed about your whole situation. There are also studies that show that moms who make time for themselves have a more positive outlook in life than moms who do not take time off. Do not let your problems take over your life. You deserve to have some me time as well.

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