Monthly Archives: March 2013

What to Do After Gaining Weight?

Have you ever worked out for a long period of time and you have successfully lost some weight. Then when you feel that you are already near your goal, you will suddenly go a phase wherein you will gain back all the weight that you struggled so hard to lose. It can be frustrating to experience weight that just comes back after working hard. When you are faced with this situation, what can you do? Instead of hiding under bushings, what you can do is to set up a new goal plan. It is certain that there are other things that you can do in order to lose again all the weight that you have already lost. You can then follow it up with more rigorous training and stricter and healthier lifestyle so that after some time, you will go back to the weight you once had.

Hit and miss

I’ve tried and succeeded at losing weight (I’ve lost 20 pounds to be exact). But it seems all good things must come to an end, sigh. I feel like a crap (sorry for the term) because I think I’m starting to gain back what I have lost in the past months.

After working hard to get to 64 kilogram four weeks ago, I’m now back to 67 kg. What happened, for Pete’s sake!

I stopped (but not entirely quit) exercising. It’s not a decision but an outcome of being a lazy butt. The old (lazy self) is creeping up on me.

I’m slowly feeling and seeing the bulge in my tummy again. I hate it and I have to do something about it before its too late for me.

Photo Credit Digital Vision./Digital Vision/Getty Images

People who stopped exercising are bound to experience the following effects, according to’ ‘The effects of stopping exercise’.

  1. Muscle shrink
  2. Mood changes
  3. Decreased fitness level
  4. And withdrawal

I don’t know about you, but I think I’m already experiencing the last three effects. As for the muscle shrink, I have no way to measure it, all I know is that I’m getting big again.

I wanted to end this post with a positive note. I’M NOT GIVING UP!

Ring Around the Collar and Sweat Stains are a Thing of the Past

If you spend a great deal of time running around your office or warehouse and it is hot inside, you need to be sure that dirt and sweat do not collect in two spots that people can see more easily. The collar of a shirt and the underarm part of a shirt are two spots that collect sweat and eventually turn yellow or black. Armpit stains and dirt around the collar can damper the effect that your great personality has on people and that at times can be bad. Needless to say, there are great ways to cure both of these problems without alerting anybody that they were present in the first place. has all of the great items you’ll need to make this happen.

A person suffering from ring around the collar will often be doing so because he or she did not take the proper precautions when wearing the shirt, cleaning the shirt, and trying to remove even the smallest stain that was present. This normally requires a huge deal of scrubbing or bleaching, but if you invest in White Collar Grime: adhesive collar protectors, you’ll have zero problem. It’s as simple as taking a strip the appropriate size off of the roll and attaching it to the trouble area. When you need to remove it due to it becoming dirty you can do so without the grime ever touching your shirt. This roll lasts quite a while and can easily be replaced for a small amount of money.

If you are curious as to how to prevent sweat stains that you hate, you can also use this around areas that you sweat such as on a hat or any other clothing item that is white. However, if you suffer from sweating under your arms and need something to cover that up, the strips won’t work as well. What you can use instead is the great Garment Guard. These items can be attached to the undershirt or jacket that you are wearing to completely eliminate troubling stains and even smells from bacteria that was not removed. This product comes in a pack of five and should never be reused, but will definitely work if you are having a night out on the town or doing a hard day of work outside.

The Benefits of Me Time for Moms


There are times when moms feel so stressed because they are doing a lot of things. Moms now are more modern and they still work in order to help their husbands with bills payment. It can also be harder for single moms because they would have to take care of their children on their own. Still, it does not mean that just because you are a mom, you do not deserve to have some Me-time. Studies show that having time for yourself will make you feel less stressed about your whole situation. There are also studies that show that moms who make time for themselves have a more positive outlook in life than moms who do not take time off. Do not let your problems take over your life. You deserve to have some me time as well.

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